Plaque Array method links blood plaque components to Alzheimer’s

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Study on Plaxgen
Alzheimer’s disease blood
diagnostic published in
peer-reviewed journal


SUNNYVALE, Calif.—Plaxgen Inc., a developer
of flow cytometry-based blood diagnostics for
plaque-associated illnesses such as atherosclerosis
and Alzheimer’s disease, announced that a paper
validating its Plaque Array technology for the diagnosis
of Alzheimer’s disease was published in the
peer-reviewed journal Clinica Chimica Acta.
In a study titled “Plaque Array Method and Proteomics-
based Identification of Biomarkers from
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that the Plaque Array methodology developed by
Plaxgen works well for detecting amyloid beta
(Abeta) and other particle formation in the blood
serum of subjects clinically determined to have
Alzheimer’s disease (AD).
As stated in the paper’s abstract, progressive
accumulation of amyloid plaques in the regions
of brain, carotid and cerebral arteries is the leading
cause of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia
in affected patients. The early identification
of individuals with AD remains a challenging
task reliant on symptomatic events, and thus the
development of a biomarker-based approach will
significantly aid in the diagnosis of AD.

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